
Our Story

“Where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in their midst.”

The story began with a conversation between two teachers – two vastly different experiences, conversing while catching a break between classes. What united them was their love for God, and the desire to share about the epic story called Life, and our place and call within it. The conversation piqued the interest of yet another teacher, who also desired to join in on the journey. Day after day, lunch after lunch, the two became three – and three became the best of friends.

So began the forging of The F3llowship.


Kathryn | "Dr. Trail Mix"

Kathryn (yes, she’s talking in the 3rd person) is an educator, wife, mother of humans & dogs, daughter, and friend. She loves cooking, crafts, and philosophical chats. She secretly wishes she could wield a sword and shield on a daily basis and believes that life is “simply not an adventure worth telling if there aren’t any dragons (Tolkien).”

Robert | "Mr. Goodbar"

Listen and find out for yourself. What can I say here that will impress you? That will make you trust my abilities? Is that really what the “about me” is about? The amount of time I spent in the military or college are irrelevant. What I do for a living is irrelevant. Let my actions and what I say convince you. When I think of what really matters all I can say is: my faith, my family and my friends are the most important aspects of my life. I love music and the outdoors.

Stephen | "Black Olive"

Bondservant to Yeshua Messiah (Hebrew for Jesus Christ); Husband, brother, and friend. I am passionate about fostering genuine, authentic human connection, discovering the interconnectedness of life and our unique purpose within it. I also teach, hopefully guiding the next generation toward discovering and maximizing their own unique gifting and individual potential.